

NTSV Cesarean Birth Rate and VBAC Dashboard: Mississippi

The Healthy People 2020 target of 23.9% not yet met. NOTE: 2019 VBAC data not yet available

Mississippi's NTSV cesarean rate is not on track to meet the Healthy People 2020 target of 23.9 percent.   

What does NTSV mean?

How does this state compare to the United States?

How does this state rank among other states?


About this state dashboard

Our organization publishes these state-level data from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Center for Health Statistics alongside national numbers to inform the public, policy makers, public health experts and the obstetric and midwifery community about state-level progress toward Healthy People 2020 goals for childbirth.


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Percentage of Patients with a Previous Cesarean Birth

Number of Previous Cesarean Births, Mississippi, 2018

In 2018, a total of 29,745 Mississippians gave birth with no previous cesarean. 19.6% of all births in MS were to women with a previous cesarean birth. This percentage is the highest of all U.S. states

Number of Previous Cesarean Births, United States, 2018

In 2018, a total of 3,195,514 gave birth with no previous cesarean. 15.7% of all births were to women with a previous cesarean birth.

Characteristics of Labor and Delivery


Final Route of Delivery, Miss.

Overall cesarean rate in 2018: 38.3 percent

Final Route of Delivery, United States

Overall cesarean rate in 2018: 31.9 percent

Birth Attendant, Miss.

Birth Attendant, U.S.


VBAC v. Repeat Cesarean, Miss.

7.0 percent Vaginal Birth After Cesarean rate (excludes unknown)

VBAC v. Repeat Cesarean, U.S.

13.3 percent Vaginal Birth After Cesarean rate (excludes unknown)

Compare to other states:


Epidural/Spinal Utilization, Miss.

Epidural/Spinal Utilization, U.S.


Fetal Presentation, Miss.

2,238 babies were not head-down (cephalic)

Fetal Presentation, U.S.

182,576 babies were not head-down (cephalic)

External Cephalic Version, Miss.

85 total External Cephalic Versions attempted (.04% of non-cephalic pregnancies)

External Cephalic Version, U.S.

10934 total External Cephalic Versions attempted (.06% of non cephalic pregnancies)

Cesarean with Trial of Labor, Miss.

Cesarean with Trial of Labor, U.S.


Induction of Labor, Miss.

Induction of Labor, U.S.


Labor Augmentation, Miss.

Labor Augmentation, U.S.


Maternal Health Characteristics


Pre-pregnancy Hypertension, Miss.

Pre-pregnancy Hypertension, U.S.


Pregnancy-Associated Hypertension, Miss.

Pregnancy-Associated Hypertension, U.S.


Tobacco Use, Miss.

Tobacco Use, U.S.


Pre-pregnancy Diabetes, Miss.

Diabetes, U.S.


Gestational Diabetes, Miss.

Gestational Diabetes, U.S.


Defined by the World Health Organization Maternal Morbidity Working Group (MMWG), 2013. 

Maternal Morbidity, United States, 2018

All births: 3,791,712

Maternal transfusion: 15,646

3rd- or 4th-degree perineal laceration: 31,532

Ruptured uterus: 1,315

Unplanned hysterectomy: 1,773

Admission to intensive care unit: 6,309

Maternal transfer: 19,240

Any maternal morbidity reported: 52,560

Maternal Morbidity, Miss., 2018

All births: 37000

Maternal transfusion: 105

3rd- or 4th-degree perineal laceration:  167

Ruptured uterus: 21

Unplanned hysterectomy: 17

Admission to intensive care unit: 37

Maternal transfer: 140

Any maternal morbidity reported: 327

Tools for Promoting Maternal Safety

Several organizations offer free quality improvement solutions online, including condition-specific toolkits and larger scale data collection and analysis protocols.


Hospital level:

Patient Safety Movement Foundation: Optimizing Obstetric Safety Actionable Patient Safety Solutions (APSS)

Council on Patient Safety in Women's Health Care: Maternal Safety Bundles

California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative: Toolkits and Maternal Data Center


State or regional level:

State Perinatal Quality Collaboratives

Maternal Mortality Review Committees: General information and standardization of data collection

